The basic process of respiration; the power and resistance of pulmonary ventilation; mechanisms of respiratory gases exchange and their influencing factors; pulmonary capacity, pulmonary ventilation and alveolar ventilation; oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve and it's influencing factors; reflex regulation of respiration. 呼吸的基本过程;肺通气的动力和阻力;气体交换的原理及其影响因素;肺容量、肺通气量和肺泡通气量;氧离曲线及其影响因素;呼吸运动的反射性调节。
Conclusion: In COPD patients complicated with pulmonary encephalopathy who have stable autonomous respiration, BiPAP combined with coramine is an effective therapeutic measure. 结论:对于COPD合并自主呼吸较稳定的肺性脑病患者,BiPAP通气联用可拉明是一种有效的治疗方法。
Objective: To evaluate the factors to pulmonary endothelium permeability via pulse-indicated continuous cardiac output ( PICCO). Methods: Fourteen patients with acute respiration distress syndrome ( ARDS) was admitted in the study. 目的:通过脉波指示连续心排血量(PICCO)监护仪,观察急性呼吸窘迫综合征(ARDS)肺血管内皮通透性的变化并探讨影响肺血管内皮通透性(PPI)的因素。
RESULTS The rate of nosocomial infection in elderly patients with pulmonary tuberculosis is 28.1%, the main infection way is via respiration, and the dominant pathogens are Gram negative bacteria. 结果老年肺结核病患者医院感染率为28.1%,感染部位以呼吸道为主,泌尿道、肠道次之;